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Δευτέρα 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2015



The similarities between the two Gods lie in their essence as of the traditional national religions, spiritual practices aimed at celebrating the divine aspect of human’s natural instincts and the deep communion shared by the “human animal” with savage life and the entire cosmos. Dionysus and Shiva are gods of vegetation, protectors of animals and trees, dressed with the skins of wild animals, living in forests and mountains. They are both archetypal images of indestructible life”, personifications of that vital energy, known by the Greeks as Zoe: natures constant and endless drive to re-generate and maintain life. This vital energy is conventionally represented by symbols associated to both cults, like the Bull, the Phallus (or Lingam in case of Shiva) and the Snake, which identify both deities as fertility gods, personifications of the fertilising male principle. But both Shiva and Dionysus are also androgynous young gods, eternal adolescents with both male and female characteristics, spirits of playful energy, tricksters with creative, destructive and transformative powers, which reveal them as ambivalent gods, shape-shifters, expressing paradox, ambiguity and coincidence of opposites as the ultimate essence of the divine.

This ambivalence is mirrored also in their identity as liminal gods, masters of the altered state of consciousness, as both cultic practices (consisting mainly in initiation rituals) revolve around the ecstatic experience reached through collective trance dancing, ingestion of psychoactive substances and sacred erotic practices. One must practice collective dancing. Rhythm gives rise to a state of trance which brings humans nearer to Shiva, the Cosmic Dancer”, recites a Shivaite text quoted by Danielou. Shiva is often portrayed holding a percussive instrument (a repetitive beats device!) and he is commonly associated with bhang, a drink made with Indian hemp, and the practice of Tantrism, a tradition of erotico-magic sexuality. On the other side Dionysus is known as the god of dancing”, “the loud one” and “god of wine” (which was commonly mixed with different herbs to “bring forth the gods and ancestral spirits”). He is celebrated with “rapturous group experiences, featuring dancing, costumes, music, wine and ecstatic release out in nature”, often including a very open approach to sexuality, as evidenced by many “explicit” vase paintings and literary references. This has led to the ancient concept of “orgies”, orgazein originally meant “celebrations of Zoe”, that vital energy manifesting as Eros, or as the enthusiasmos of the dance, whose appearance during the rituals was invoked (and provoked) as a sign of the presence of the god himself among his followers.

The practice of these techniques of ecstasy often lead Shiva and Dionysus to be accused of teaching the secrets of wisdom to the poor and humble, for they can be practised regardless of the level of knowledge or the social position. Therefore the profound wisdom, which is possible to acquire through the ecstatic experience and consisting of the realisation of the deep interconnectedness of All, is theoretically available to all sorts of people. This is why both Shiva and Dionysus are known as “liberating gods” and “healers”, granting salvation from ignorance and deliverance from angst and fear. A good example of this liberating power is the image of the Dance of Shiva, where the god is portrayed dancing on a dwarf-demon whose name translate as “forgetful and ignorant demon”, symbolising the triumph over unawareness through the dance.

The followers of Shiva and Dionysus are known in the Indian and Greek cultures as sharing the same characteristics of the two gods: playfulness, joy of living, harmony with nature, but also a certain ambiguous “dark” aspect, as they are referred to as “demonic children” or “heavenly delinquents”. As Danielou informs us, in Shivaite tradition the god’s companions are described as freakish, adventurous, vagabond, delinquent and wild young people, with unkept hair, shouting in the storm, dancing, singing. In Greece, the poet Hesiod describes the followers of Dionysus as joyous vagabonds of heaven, dancers, musicians, acrobats, practical jokers and lazy. They press the grape and get drunk, they are perpetually overexcited, jolly fellows in search of good fortune”.

From a social point of view, Shiva and Dionysus, are considered protectors of those who do not belong to conventional society, those who do not live a “normal” life and outlaws. Their essence as symbols of the divinity of the laws of nature, in fact, tend to create a strong contrast with the “city religions”, the institutional religious practice aimed at the divinisation of man-made laws, based on civic conformity and the repression of natural instincts. This is the case in both Olympian religion (in the case of Dionysus) and the Aryan-vedic religion (in the case of Shiva), which tend to place these “rebellious gods” outside their official pantheon of gods. Historically, the periods of cultural evolution are those in which these two opposing yet complementary tendencies find a way to co-exist peacefully and respectfully, as in the case of Dionysian worship during the Hellenistic period. But when this balance is not achieved the result is persecution, repression and demonization of the national traditional religions.

Therefore the reappearance of Shiva and Dionysus like cults seems to be a characteristic of those periods in which, after a phase of repression, humans realise that they have lost the awareness of their profound interconnection with nature and spontaneously return to those beliefs and practices able to renew this awareness. For the historical moment in which we are living, often identified with the last phase of what the Hindus call Kali Yuga, or the Age of Conflicts, this tendency seems to be confirmed even by the ancient text Linga Purana: At the end of the Kali Yuga, the god Shiva will appear to re-establish the right path in secret and hidden form (1.40.12). From this point of view worshiping Dionysus & Shiva could be one of these secret and hidden archetypes forms under which the cult of nature of the national traditional religions reappears, as a way for modern people to re-establish the link with a very ancient stream of knowledge, a sort of The Universal Knowledge Of The True Reality whose teachings potentially constitute the seed of the Golden Age of the future of humankind”.

The Aryan myth says that Dionysus had gone to India 6,5 thousand years earlier before Alexander the Great and popularized the culture and arts to the residents of that area.

In the first image of the Museum: at the holy Delos island, House of the Masks. Detail of the mosaic floor. Represented God Dionysus seated on the back of the panther. 2nd century. B.C.
Στην πρώτη Εικόνα του Μουσείου: ιεράν Δήλος, Οικία με τα Προσωπεία. Λεπτομέρεια του ψηφιδωτού δαπέδου. Παριστάνεται ο Διόνυσος καθισμένος στη ράχη πάνθηρα. 2ος αι. π.Χ.

                         Shiva MaheShwara

Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2015


Το  άρθρο που ακoλουθεί μεταφράστηκε από τα Ιταλικά.

Η μαζική λαθρο-μετανάστευση είναι ένα φαινόμενο του οποίου τα αίτια εξακολουθούν να κρύβονται έξυπνα από το σύστημα, και η  πολυπολιτισμική προπαγάνδα προσπαθεί ψευδώς να την παρουσιάσει ως αναπόφευκτη εποίκιση. Με αυτό το άρθρο σκοπεύουμε να αποδείξουμε μια για πάντα, ότι δεν είναι ένα αυθόρμητο φαινόμενο. Αυτό που θέλουν να εμφανίσουν ως ένα αναπόφευκτο αποτέλεσμα της ιστορίας, είναι στην πραγματικότητα ένα σχέδιο μελετημένο γύρω από ένα τραπέζι και προετοιμασμένο εδώ και  δεκαετίες, για να καταστρέψει εντελώς το πρόσωπο της Γηραιάς Ηπείρου.


Η  Πανευρώπη 
von Coudenhove-Kalergi

Λίγοι άνθρωποι γνωρίζουν ότι ένας από τους βασικούς εμπνευστές της διαδικασίας της ευρωπαϊκής ολοκλήρωσης, ήταν επίσης ο άνθρωπος που σχεδίασε την προγραμματισμένη γενοκτονία των λαών της Ευρώπης. 
Πρόκειται για ένα σκοτεινό πρόσωπο, του οποίου οι μάζες αγνοούν την ύπαρξη, αλλά οι ισχυροί τον  θεωρούν ως τον ιδρυτή της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Το όνομά του είναι  Richard Coudenhove Kalergi. 
Ο πατέρας του ήταν ο  Αυστριακός διπλωμάτης Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi (με κάποιες ρίζες από την βυζαντινή οικογένεια των Καλλέργηδων) και η μητέρα του η Γιαπωνέζα Mitsu Aoyama. Ο Kalergi λοιπόν, έχοντας στενές επαφές με όλη την ευρωπαϊκή αριστοκρατία και τους Ευρωπαίους πολιτικούς, εξ αιτίας των διασυνδέσεων του αριστοκράτη -διπλωμάτη πατέρα του, κινούμενος  στα παρασκήνια, μακριά από τα φώτα της δημοσιότητας, κατάφερε να προσελκύσει στα  σχέδιά του τους πιο σημαντικoύς αρχηγούς κρατών, κάνοντάς τους  υποστηρικτές και  συνεργάτες του στο «έργο της ευρωπαϊκής ενοποίησης».

Σύμφωνα με την αυτοβιογραφία του, στις αρχές του 1924 ο Εβραίος φίλος του, βαρώνος Louis de Rothschild, τον παρουσίασε στον Εβραίο τραπεζίτη Max Warburg ο οποίος πρότεινε να χρηματοδοτήσει το κίνημά του για τα επόμενα 3 χρόνια δίνοντάς του 60.000 χρυσά σήματα. Ο Warburg παρέμεινε ειλικρινά να ενδιαφέρεται για το κίνημα μέχρι το υπόλοιπο της ζωής του και χρησίμευσε ως ενδιάμεσος για το Coudenhove-Kalergi με την επιρροή του σε Αμερικανούς όπως ο Εβραίος τραπεζίτης Paul Warburg και ο Εβραίος χρηματοδότης Bernard Baruch. Τον Απρίλιο του 1924, ο Coudenhove-Kalergi ίδρυσε το περιοδικό Paneuropa (1924-1938) του οποίου ήταν συντάκτης και κύριος συγγραφέας. Το επόμενο έτος άρχισε να δημοσιεύει το κύριο έργο του, το Kampf um Paneuropa (Ο αγώνας για την Πανευρώπη, 1925-1928, τρεις τόμοι). Το 1926, πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Βιέννη το πρώτο συνέδριο της Πανευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και οι 2.000 αντιπρόσωποι εξέλεξαν τον Coudenhove-Kalergi ως πρόεδρο του Κεντρικού Συμβουλίου, θέση που κατείχε μέχρι το θάνατό του το 1972.

Το 1922 ίδρυσε το κίνημα «Πανευρώπη» στη Βιέννη, που στόχευε στη δημιουργία μιας Νέας Παγκόσμιας Τάξης, βασισμένης σε μια ομοσπονδία των εθνών υπό την ηγεσία των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών. Η Ευρωπαϊκή ενοποίηση θα αποτελούσε το πρώτο βήμα για την δημιουργία μιας παγκόσμιας κυβέρνησης. Μεταξύ των πρώτων οπαδών του, συγκαταλέγονται οι Τσέχοι Εβραίοι πολιτικοί Tomáš Masaryk και Edvard Beneš καθώς και ο Εβραίος τραπεζίτης Max Warburg, ο οποίος διέθεσε τα πρώτα 60.000 μάρκα. Ο Αυστριακός καγκελάριος Ignaz Seipel  και ο επόμενος πρόεδρος της Αυστρίας Karl Renner  ανέλαβαν στην συνέχεια υπεύθυνοι για την καθοδήγηση του κινήματος της «Πανευρώπης». Αργότερα θα προσφέρουν την βοήθειά τους  Γάλλοι πολιτικοί, όπως ο Léon Bloum, ο Aristide Briand, ο Ιταλός πολικός  Alcide De Gasperi  κ.λπ.

               ό Richard Nicolaus von Coudenhove Kalergi & τό εξώφυλλο του βιβλίου

Με την άνοδο του Φασισμού στην Ευρώπη, το σχέδιο τίθεται υπό νάρκωση, και η «Πανευρωπαϊκή» κίνηση αναγκάζεται να διαλυθεί, αλλά μετά από τον Δεύτερο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο ο Kalergi, χάρη σε μία  ξέφρενη και ακούραστη δραστηριότητα, καθώς και την υποστήριξη του Winston Churchill, της ιουδαϊκής μασονικής στοάς B'nai B'rith και σημαντικών εφημερίδων, όπως οι New York Times, καταφέρνει το σχέδιο του να γίνει αποδεκτό από την κυβέρνηση των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών. Στην συνέχεια η CIA αναλαμβάνει την αποπεράτωση του σχεδίου της ενωμένης Ευρώπης.
Η πεμπτουσία του σχεδίου Kalergi.

Στο βιβλίο του «Praktischer Idealismus», ο Kalergi δηλώνει ότι οι κάτοικοι των μελλοντικών "Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών της Ευρώπης" δεν θα είναι οι παλαιοί λαοί της Γηραιάς  Ηπείρου, αλλά ένα είδος υπανθρώπων  που θα προέρχονται από επιμιξία. Δηλώνει ξεκάθαρα, ότι θα πρέπει οι λαοί της  Ευρώπης  να διασταυρωθούν με ασιατικές και έγχρωμες φυλές, έτσι ώστε  να δημιουργηθεί ένα πολυεθνικό κοπάδι χωρίς ποιότητα και εύκολα ελεγχόμενο από την άρχουσα τάξη.

Ο Kalergi διακηρύσσει την κατάργηση του δικαιώματος της αυτοδιάθεσης των λαών και, στη συνέχεια, την εξάλειψη των εθνών μέσω των εθνοτικών αυτονομιστικών κινημάτων ή την μαζική μετανάστευση. Προκειμένου η Ευρώπη να είναι ελεγχόμενη από μία ελίτ, θέλει να μετατρέψει τους ομοιογενείς λαούς σε  μία  μικτή φυλή  μαύρων, λευκών, και Ασιατών. Ποιά όμως είναι αυτή η  ελίτ; Ο Kalergi είναι ιδιαίτερα διαφωτιστικός επ' αυτού: «O άνθρωπος του μέλλοντος θα είναι μικτής φυλετικής καταγωγής. Οι φυλές και οι τάξεις του σήμερα θα εξαφανισθούν σταδιακά λόγω της εξάλειψης του χώρου, του χρόνου και της προκατάληψης. Η ευρωασιατική-νεγροϊδής φυλή του μέλλοντος, όμοια στην εμφάνιση της με τους αρχαίους Αιγύπτιους, θα αντικαταστήσει την διαφορετικότητα των λαών και την διαφορετικότητα των ατόμων. Αντί της καταστροφής του ευρωπαϊκού ιουδαϊσμού, η Ευρώπη, ενάντια στην θέλησή της, εξευγένισε και μόρφωσε αυτόν τον λαό, οδηγώντας τον στο μελλοντικό του στάτους ως ηγετικό έθνος διαμέσου αυτής της τεχνητής εξελικτικής διαδικασίας. Δεν προξενεί κατάπληξη ότι αυτός ο λαός που δραπέτευσε από το Γκέττο-φυλακή, εξελίχθηκε σε μία πνευματική αριστοκρατία της Ευρώπης. Συνεπώς η ευσπλαχνική πρόνοια έδωσε στην Ευρώπη μια νέα φυλή αριστοκρατίας με τη χάρη του πνεύματος. Αυτό συνέβη τη στιγμή που η Ευρωπαϊκή φεουδαλική αριστοκρατία κατέπεσε, λόγω της χειραφέτησης των Ιουδαίων [εννοείται με τις διαταγές και τα μέτρα που πήρε η γαλλική επανάσταση]».

Αν και κανένα σχολικό  βιβλίο δεν μιλά για τον Kalergi, οι ιδέες του είναι οι κατευθυντήριες αρχές της σημερινής Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Η πεποίθηση ότι οι λαοί της Ευρώπης θα πρέπει να αναμιχθούν με Αφρικανούς και Ασιάτες, για να  καταστραφεί η  ταυτότητα  και να δημιουργηθεί μια ενιαία φυλή μιγάδων, είναι η βάση όλων των κοινοτικών πολιτικών που στοχεύουν στην ένταξη και την προστασία των μειονοτήτων. Αυτό δεν γίνεται  για  ανθρωπιστικούς λόγους, αλλά εξαιτίας οδηγιών που έχουν εκδοθεί με αδίστακτη αποφασιστικότητα, για να επιτευχθεί η μεγαλύτερη γενοκτονία στην ιστορία. Προς τιμήν του ιδρύθηκε το ευρωπαϊκό βραβείο Coudenhove- Kalergi, με το οποίο βραβεύονται κάθε δύο χρόνια, οι Ευρωπαίοι οι οποίοι έχουν διαπρέψει στην προώθηση του εγκληματικού  σχεδίου του. Μεταξύ αυτών που βραβεύτηκαν είναι η Angela Merkel και ο Herman Van Rompuy.

                               τό έμβλημα της Εβραικής B'nai B'rith

Η προτροπή σε γενοκτονία, αποτελεί επίσης την βάση των συνεχών εκκλήσεων των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, για να γίνουν δεκτά εκατομμύρια  μεταναστών, έτσι ώστε να  αντισταθμιστεί το χαμηλό ποσοστό γεννήσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Σύμφωνα με μία έκθεση που δημοσιεύθηκε στις αρχές της νέας χιλιετίας, τον Ιανουάριο του 2000, στην αναφορά «Population division» των Ηνωμένων Εθνών στη Νέα Υόρκη, με τίτλο «Μετανάστευση αντικατάστασης: Μία λύση για την μείωση και γήρανση του πληθυσμού », η Ευρώπη θα έχει ανάγκη έως το 2025  από 159.000.000 μετανάστες. Αναρωτιέται κανείς, πώς θα ήταν δυνατό να γίνουν τόσο ακριβείς εκτιμήσεις για τη μετανάστευση,  αν δεν ήταν ένα προμελετημένο σχέδιο . Είναι βέβαιο ότι το χαμηλό ποσοστό γεννήσεων θα μπορούσε εύκολα να αντιστραφεί μέσω των κατάλληλων μέτρων για την στήριξη των οικογενειών. Είναι εξίσου σαφές, ότι δεν είναι με τη συμβολή ξένων γονιδίων  που θα προστατευθεί η γενετική κληρονομιά της Ευρώπης, αλλά ότι με αυτό τον τρόπο επιτυγχάνεται η εξαφάνισή της. Ο μοναδικός σκοπός αυτών των μέτρων είναι να στρεβλώσει εντελώς έναν λαό, να τον μετατρέψει σε ένα σύνολο ατόμων χωρίς καμία εθνική, ιστορική και πολιτισμική συνοχή . Εν ολίγοις, οι θέσεις του σχεδίου Kalergi ήταν και εξακολουθούν να είναι, η βάση  των επισήμων πολιτικών των κυβερνήσεων που αποσκοπούν στην γενοκτονία των λαών της Ευρώπης, μέσω της μαζικής μετανάστευσης. Ο G. Brock Chisholm, πρώην διευθυντής του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Υγείας (OMS), αποδεικνύει ότι έχει μάθει καλά το μάθημα του Kalergi όταν λέει: «Αυτό που σε όλους τους τόπους οι άνθρωποι πρέπει να κάνουν είναι να εφαρμόσουν τον περιορισμό των γεννήσεων και να τελούν μικτούς γάμους (μεταξύ διαφορετικών φυλών), και αυτό με σκοπό να δημιουργηθεί μια ενιαία φυλή σε ένα κόσμο που θα  κατευθύνεται από μια κεντρική αρχή.»


Αν κοιτάξουμε γύρω μας, το σχέδιο του Kalergi  φαίνεται να υλοποιείται  πλήρως. Είμαστε αντιμέτωποι με μία πραγματική τριτοκοσμοποίηση της Ευρώπης. Η μάστιγα της επιμειξίας παράγει κάθε χρόνο χιλιάδες νέα άτομα μιγάδες: «Τα παιδιά του Kalergi ». Υπό τη διπλή πίεση της παραπληροφόρησης  και  την ανθρωπιστική αποβλάκωση που καλλιεργείται από τα μέσα μαζικής πληροφόρησης, διδάσκεται στους Ευρωπαίους να απαρνηθούν την καταγωγή τους, να απαρνηθούν την εθνική τους ταυτότητα.

Οι υποστηρικτές της παγκοσμιοποίησης προσπαθούν να μας πείσουν ότι το να απαρνηθούμε την ταυτότητά μας, είναι μια προοδευτική και ανθρωπιστική πράξη, ότι ο "ρατσισμός" είναι λάθος, αλλά μόνο και μόνο επειδή θέλουν να μας κάνoυν όλους τυφλούς  καταναλωτές. Είναι περισσότερο από ποτέ αναγκαίο σε αυτούς τους καιρούς να αντιδράσουμε στα ψέματα του συστήματος, να αφυπνιστεί το πνεύμα της εξέγερσης στους Ευρωπαίους. Θα πρέπει να τεθεί μπροστά στα μάτια όλων το γεγονός ότι η Ευρωπαϊκή  Ένταξη, ισοδυναμεί με γενοκτονία. Δεν έχουμε άλλη επιλογή, η εναλλακτική λύση είναι η εθνική αυτοκτονία.

Σημείωση του μεταφραστή: Αν και τα αίτια των  προσωπικών επιλογών του Kalergi, δεν μας ενδιαφέρουν ιδιαίτερα, ωστόσο θα προσπαθήσουμε να απαντήσουμε σε ένα ερώτημα, που σίγουρα θα διαμορφώθηκε στο μυαλό των αναγνωστών: Γιατί ένας Ευρωπαίος αριστοκράτης με Φλαμανδικές, Πολωνικές, Ελληνικές- Βυζαντινές ρίζες, ακόμη και με αίμα Σαμουράι στις φλέβες του(από την μητέρα του) έγινε φορέας τέτοιων σχεδίων και όργανο στα  χέρια σκοτεινών δυνάμεων; Οι λόγοι, κατά την γνώμη μας, είναι πολλαπλοί: ιδιοσυγκρασικοί, ψυχολογικοί και...γυναικείων επιδράσεων.

                                       η Ιουδαία  Ida Roland

Παρατηρούμε λοιπόν μία προσωπικότητα με έντονα σνομπ συμπεριφορές, υπεροψία, και έναν, ας μου επιτραπεί ο όρος, «εκφυλισμένο ελιτισμό». Επίσης, το γεγονός ότι η μητέρα του ήταν ασιάτισσα , ίσως του δημιούργησε εσωτερικές συγκρούσεις και απωθημένα, κάτι που μπορεί να συμβεί σε άτομα με τέτοια ιδιοσυγκρασία. Όμως ο πιο αποφασιστικός παράγοντας, πρέπει να ήταν η «κατάλληλη έφηβη», που όλως τυχαίως φυσικά, βρέθηκε δίπλα του, και έγινε η πρώτη γυναίκα του (σε ηλικία 13 ετών): η Εβραϊκής καταγωγής Ιουδαία Ida Roland, που αργότερα θα γίνει φημισμένη ηθοποιός. Περιβάλλοντα και επιρροές, πολύ ιδιαίτερες...

                          ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟ   ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ

Απονομή του ευρωπαϊκού βραβείου Coudenhove-Kalergi 2012 στον Πρόεδρο Van Rompuy

                             Ο Van Rompuy κατά την βράβευση του

Στις 16 Νοεμβρίου 2012, απονεμήθηκε στον Πρόεδρο του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου κ. Herman Van Rompuy το ευρωπαϊκό βραβείο Coudenhove-Kalergi 2012, σε ειδικό συνέδριο στη Βιέννη, για τον εορτασμό των 90 χρόνων του πανευρωπαϊκού κινήματος. Το βραβείο απονέμεται ανά διετία σε ηγετικές προσωπικότητες, για την εξαίρετη συμβολή τους στη διαδικασία της ευρωπαϊκής ενοποίησης.

Αποφασιστικός παράγοντας για την απονομή του βραβείου ήταν ο ισορροπημένος τρόπος με τον οποίο ο Πρόεδρος Van Rompuy άσκησε τα καθήκοντά του στη νέα θέση του Προέδρου του Ευρωπαϊκού Συμβουλίου, η οποία καθιερώθηκε με τη Συνθήκη της Λισσαβώνας. Διεκπεραίωσε αυτόν τον ιδιαίτερα ευαίσθητο ηγετικό και συντονιστικό ρόλο με πνεύμα αποφασιστικότητας και συμφιλίωσης, ενώ έμφαση δόθηκε επίσης στην δεξιοτεχνική διαιτησία του επί ευρωπαϊκών υποθέσεων και την αδιάπτωτη δέσμευσή του στις ευρωπαϊκές ηθικές αξίες.

Στον λόγο αποδοχής του, ο κ. Van Rompuy περιέγραψε την ενοποίηση της Ευρώπης ως έργο ειρήνης. Η σημασία της εν λόγω ιδέας, η οποία ήταν επίσης στο επίκεντρο του έργου του Coudenhove-Kalergi, παραμένει το ίδιο επίκαιρη ύστερα από 90 έτη.

Το βραβείο φέρει το όνομα του κόμη Richard Nicolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972), φιλοσόφου, διπλωμάτη, εκδότη και ιδρυτή του πανευρωπαϊκού κινήματος (1923). Ο Coudenhove-Kalergi υπήρξε πρωτοπόρος της ευρωπαϊκής ενοποίησης και διέδωσε την ιδέα μιας ομοσπονδίας ευρωπαϊκών κρατών στα έργα του.

Από το 2000, μεταξύ των νικητών του βραβείου συγκαταλέγονται η Καγκελάριος της Ομοσπονδιακής Δημοκρατίας της Γερμανίας Angela Merkel (2010) και ο Πρόεδρος της Λετονίας Vaira Vike-Freiberga, (2006).

Τετάρτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Awakening the Chakras & Exploding Kundalini

Awakening the Chakras

At the Zinal Conference in September 1981, Swami Satyananda Saraswati described the different levels of spiritual awakening and explained that the awakening of the chakras and sushumna nadi must precede the awakening of kundalini.

All the chakras are directly connected through ida and pingala nadis to each and every organ in the body in that particular area. For instance, swadhisthana chakra is directly connected through the nerve channels with the urogenital and ovarian system. Anahata chakra is connected with the cardiovascular system and the lungs. Vishuddhi chakra is connected with the ears, nose and throat. Now, these are the connections which exist between the chakras and the physiological organs so far as ida and pingala are concerned. But when awakening occurs, it first takes place in sushumna nadi.

The word 'awakening' is used in three different contexts: awakening of chakras, awakening of sushumna, and awakening of kundalini. First awakening of chakras must take place, then awakening of sushumna, and only after these two, awakening of kundalini takes place. If the chakras and sushumna are closed, and kundalini wakes up by your practices, where will this great force go? Before generating so much electricity, you must have a conducting channel and a distributing system. Sushumna is the conducting channel and the chakras are the junctions from which the energy, aroused by the awakening of kundalini, is distributed to different organs and zones is the body.

There is another important point to be noted. Sushumna runs from mooladhara up to ajna chakra, but it must pass through swadhisthana, manipura, anahata and vishuddhi. When every chakra is closed, it forms a block like the high barrier you find on the highway. If awakening of kundalini takes place, the energy will only go up to a particular chakra, but it cannot pass beyond that because the chakra is closed, it is not awakened.

In the awakening of kundalini, the first important thing that we have to do is awaken the chakras. Awakening of the chakras takes place by the practice of certain asanas. That is precisely the purpose of the asanas. Therapy is only a by product. Then you must awaken the chakras by practising the mantra or bija mantra and concentrating on different points. The third way to open the chakras is by the practice of pranayama. However, the practices of asana and mantra are the best ways to awaken or to revive the chakras.

When awakening of a chakra begins, you may have certain visions and experiences. You must remember that those visions and experiences do not represent the awakening of kundalini, or even the awakening of sushumna. Usually the experiences which represent the awakening of the chakras are of a fantastic nature, but they do not mean anything when you try to assess their results. I will give you an example. Many years ago, I was meditating on the bank of the Ganga in Rishikesh, and suddenly I had a very vivid experience. I saw the whole earth broken into two. It was a very clear vision, and I remember it even today, but this vision had nothing to do with reality; I just had it.

Now, this is an experience of the awakening of the chakras. You can see angels, divine forms, sun, moon and stars. You can hear music or you can feel a sort of bliss or ecstasy. These and many other experiences represent the awakening of the chakras. Then comes the awakening of sushumna. When awakening takes place in sushumna, you can feel the rod of light. You can feel an upward passage fully illumined from within.

These experiences which I am telling you about are described by the saints in different religions by means of songs and stories, which unfortunately the devotees do not understand today. However, the awakening of kundalini is an event in man's life. Every experience has a "tangible proof, whether it is the awakening of extrasensory perceptions or the awakening of a particular kind of genius. It may be in the form of a prophecy that you are able to deliver to the people, a transformation in the physical elements of the body that you are able to materialise, or a magnetic influence that you are able to cast on the masses of people as a politician, a musician or a saint.

The awakening of kundalini has tangible, positive, concrete proofs. You cannot say that your kundalini is awakened if you have no proof. If people come to me and tell me that their kundalini is awakened, I ask them, 'How do you know it?' They say, 'I feel this, I feel that.' I tell them, 'It is not enough.' Because when the awakening of kundalini takes place, you completely transcend the normal categories of mental awareness. The scope of knowledge becomes greater.

Most people are under the mistaken impression that kundalini is experienced in the lower parts of the body, but the sensual experiences such as pain, pleasure, taste, touch, sight, smell and sound are all felt by different circuits in the brain. Similarly, all the chakras are linked to a specific area in the brain. When these zones are activated, different experiences, expressions and faculties come into action.

When kundalini passes through swadhisthana, or remains there for some time, all your latent and suppressed vasanas or passions come out. When kundalini is in anahata chakra, then you become filled with absolute devotion. Even an atheist will change when kundalini is in the proximity of anahata chakra. You become a great poet, a singer, a clairvoyant, and you are able to conquer people by the immensity of your love.

When kundalini is in vishuddhi chakra, then the nectar or the ambrosia is consumed properly by the body, and the cells of the body are rejuvenated. Emaciation and old age vanish. The body is transformed into the body of a young person. That is why it is said that when the kundalini is in vishuddhi chakra, one enjoys eternal youth.

This is a very important topic that we have discussed today. Everybody, whether householder or sannyasin, must remember that awakening of kundalini is the prime purpose of human incarnation. The different pleasures of sensual life, which you are enjoying and which you can enjoy, are intended only to enhance the awakening of kundalini amidst the adverse circumstances of man's life.

So, in order to awaken kundalini, first you must have a guru, then a mantra, then a system of practice comprised of asana, pranayama and occasional hatha yoga shat kriyas, then ajapa japa and kriya yoga in successive order. And if you follow this yogic course, even if your kundalini is not awakened, it does not matter. At least awakening of the chakras and sushumna will take place.

Exploding Kundalini

Lecture given by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
at Senate Hall, University of Bangalore on 22.3.1979.

The subject of kundalini yoga has become very popular in India as well as abroad and so it has become necessary for all of us to understand both its practical and philosophical aspects in clearly defined terms. Just as Ananta, the serpent king, is the support of the whole earth, so too is the serpent kundalini the support of all tantra and yoga. The concept of kundalini and its ascent through sushumna, the royal road, has been symbolised in many stories and parables of various religions throughout the world.

One of the greatest stories symbolising kundalini is found in the tales of Lord Hanuman, the monkey god. The story of Hanuman symbolises the sadhana of one striving to awaken this inherent power. It is said that once, as a child, he was standing watching the sunrise. Suddenly he felt hungry and leapt into the sky and ate the sun, believing it to be a huge apple. Immediately all the three worlds became dark and the gods grew panicky. Hanuman definitely did not eat the sun. It is merely a symbolic expression representing the withdrawal of prana or the solar force from his body into the sushumna passage. This is the secret understanding of kundalini.

Kundalini yoga is a part of the tantric tradition. Although the word kundalini literally means 'coil', according to tantra it is derived from the word kunda meaning 'a deeper place', like havan kund. Kundalini is mahashakti, residing in a deeper place, mooladhara. Tantra incorporates many branches within its fold such as hatha yoga, mantra yoga, laya yoga, asanas, pranayama, kriya yoga, yoga nidra, bhakti yoga and above all kundalini yoga. The prime purpose of tantra has always been to awaken this great dormant potential and evolve the human consciousness beyond the frontiers of mind and time and space.

The mind is limited by certain barriers and its functions are confined to space and object. The word tantra is a composition of two ideas: expansion and liberation. Its aim is to expand consciousness and finally liberate it from its union with matter in the micro cosmic as well as macro cosmic aspect. Human consciousness is evolving constantly, it can never be disintegrated totally. Death of the body does not kill the consciousness. Disease of the body does not affect it. Tantra is the science of this consciousness.

The two great forces in man

It is said in the Gita that there are two eternal forces known as purusha and prakriti. They are the beginningless and endless forces behind the whole cosmos and our human existence. Prakriti is the matter, the totality or manifestation. Purusha is the consciousness manifesting itself further in the realm of mind, manas, buddhi, chitta and ahamkara. Existence and the individual being arise when purusha and prakriti come together.

For ages and ages throughout the cycle of reincarnation and evolution, these twin realities have moved and lived together as an inseparable unit. Even today in our individual existence we are a composition of matter and consciousness. The eternal union between these two aspects of creation has been so great that it has not been possible for an ordinary man with a gross and intellectual mind to separate them. The philosophy and practices of tantra aim at breaking this inseparability. Therefore yoga involves a process of separation (viyoga), and when pure consciousness is disconnected from entanglement with the mind and the manifested world, union (yoga) is the result.

In relation to the micro cosmic unit, within our physical body there are two forces: chitta and prana. Prana is the life force and chitta is the totality of awareness- the conscious, subconscious and unconscious states of the mind. Combined they are responsible for our knowledge and action. They control the karmendriyas (senses of action), the gyanendriyas (senses of cognition), and the functions of mind and consciousness.

Prana and chitta are channelled through our physical body in two nadis known as ida and pingala, which flow within the framework of the spinal column. In the same way as radioactive waves pass through the different lines in a transistor radio but are not perceptible to our naked eyes, the flow of mental and pranic consciousness in ida and pingala is not perceivable even after anatomical dissection of the spinal cord. Nevertheless they are realities.

Ida flows through the left nostril and pingala through the right nostril. Ida represents coolness, the moon and the mental and psychic functions. Pingala represents heat, the sun, energy and activity. Recent scientific investigations have shown that the temperature of the left nostril is slightly less than the right nostril supporting the age-old yogic theory.

The word nadi is generally translated as nerve channel, but the yogic definition differs. Nadi comes from the root word 'nad', to flow. It is not a vehicle or a nerve channel, which indicates a physical part of the body. Ida nadi is the flow of mental consciousness and pingala nadi is the flow of pranic consciousness. Prana and chitta flow throughout the body controlling every part, every organ, activity, impulse, every action and reaction of the whole gross, subtle and causal bodies.

These two nadis emanate from the base of the spinal cord at mooladhara chakra and terminate at the top of the spinal cord in ajna chakra. In the masculine body, mooladhara chakra is situated in the area of the perineum between the excretory and the urinary system. In the female body it can be found at the posterior side of the cervix. Mooladhara chakra is known as the seat of kundalini, the great mahashakti. Ajna chakra corresponds to the most important controlling gland in the human body known as the pineal gland. It is situated at the top of the spinal cord directly behind the mid-eyebrow centre in the area of the medulla oblongata. From mooladhara, pingala goes to the right and ida to the left and they curve and cross each at swadhisthana, manipura, anahata, and vishuddhi, finally terminating in ajna.

Finding the balance

The third and most important channel flowing up the centre of the spinal cord is known as sushumna, the synthesis or spiritual nadi. 
The force of sushumna is kundalini. In tantra, kundalini is said to be sleeping in mooladhara chakra in eternal nidra, in eternal potentiality, wrapped in tamoguna. As long as sushumna and kundalini are in this dormant state, they are considered to be a tamasic force. But when ida and pingala are balanced, this tamasic force is activated and awakened. If the awakening of kundalini takes place prior to the balancing of ida and pingala, however, the sadhaka may suffer severe physical, mental and emotional disturbances.

Ida and pingala nadis are of prime importance when we talk about kundalini yoga. All the karmas, samskaras, frustrations and jealousies, and all that the mind and prana are made up of, are contained in the flow of ida and pingala. This means that all you have experienced in the past remains in the system of ida and pingala in a micro cosmic form. Unless these samskaras and karmas, both good and bad, painful and pleasant, are exhausted and purified, the awakening of sushumna may result in total imbalance of the nervous system and in extreme cases a person may suffer insanity or become a criminal.

Psychic awakening in an individual does not necessarily take place with the awakening of sushumna. Sushumna is an independent system and does not lie across ida and pingala. Many experiences which aspirants have may correspond to the awakening of prana in pingala or consciousness in ida. The hatha yoga shastras clearly explain that harmony and balance between the mental and pranic forces are absolutely necessary before the awakening of sushumna, the experience of samadhi.

When ida flows, the right side of the brain functions, and when pingala flows the left side of the brain operates. When the flow in sushumna is activated the whole brain participates in the activities of life. Sushumna is the pathway for the upward ascent of kundalini; it does not flow through any other nadi. When ida and pingala flow at the same time, when their temperature is equal, when the differences between prana and consciousness are broken down and all the various aspects are in perfect balance, kundalini is compelled to travel through sushumna nadi to brahmarandhra, a higher centre in the brain.

It is clearly written in the shastras that one should not awaken kundalini without first awakening sushumna. If you have a motor car but there is no roadway leading from your home, what are you going to do? In the same way when kundalini wakes up you have to give it a passageway. The opening up of sushumna becomes the means of communication between the lower and higher worlds.

Necessity of the practices

Before the awakening of sushumna the practices of hatha yoga, including asanas, pranayama, mantra yoga and so on are essential in order to purify the functional and structural form of ida and pingala. It is important for the aspirant to understand that the process of awakening of this divine consciousness needs thorough, complete and expert planning. It must be done gradually under the guidance of one who has gained previous knowledge of the path.

The word hatha in tantra is a composition of two syllables 'ha' and 'tha', representing the two forces prana and mind, shiva and shakti, sun and moon, Ganga and Jamuna and so on. The definition of hatha yoga has been misunderstood and mistranslated as physical practices, but it is an esoteric system intended to balance these forces and awaken man's deeper personality. Asanas are not physical exercises merely for the health. They are designed to give a mild stimulus to the chakras so that when the awakening takes place one will not be startled. Now we have come to understand this more clearly in the light of modern scientific research.

In the same way, the practices of pranayama are not deep breathing exercises for increasing the supply of oxygen into the body. Oxygen alone is not the pranic force that helps you in yoga. What is important are the ions which are released from oxygen after a process of separation induced by the practices of pranayama. For example, in nadi shodhana pranayama a concentration of these ions, or pranic energy, occurs around ida and pingala nadis, increasing in intensity according to the number of rounds practised. In normal breathing this does not happen. With continued practice of alternate nostril breathing, over a long period of time, this concentration is harmonised and sushumna awakens.

Some people who are not familiar with Sanskrit misinterpret pranayama as 'control of breath' but the word pranayama is composed of 'prana' and 'ayama'. Ayama is a dimension or field. As there are radioactive and electromagnetic fields there are also pranic fields in the physical body. So far, in the scheme of our evolution, we have been able to extend the prana into only the first three dimensions of our existence: the gross, subtle and causal bodies corresponding to the waking, dreaming and sleeping states. However, there are seven bodies- one that we can see, two that we can feel, and four others that we can neither see nor feel. They correspond to the chakras and to the seven planes of consciousness - bhu, bhuvah, swaha, maha, jana, tapa and satyam. The purpose of pranayama is to extend the permeation of prana into these other bodies, into the realm of samadhi and beyond.

When prana which is now controlling the karmendriyas and gyanendriyas is withdrawn from every part of the body and is no longer bound to mooladhara chakra, kundalini breaks out. When Hanuman ate the sun he stopped the flow of pingala nadi, also known as Surya(sun) nadi. As a result the function of prana stopped, the heart and the brain ceased to work, and the other organs were nominally existing. He transcended the waking, dreaming and sleeping states, and the three worlds went dark. Feelings, sensations and the functions of the mind ceased. This is achieved through the practices of moola bandha, uddiyana bandha and jalandhara bandha. When you practise these three bandhas in combination with pranayama you are directing the prana into another ayama, into the field of kundalini. Pranayama stimulates prana and the bandhas direct it to the required centre, preventing dissipation.

Hatha yoga, asanas and pranayama are intended initially to prepare the sadhaka for bearing, enduring, holding and understanding the experiences of kundalini yoga. Awakening of kundalini influences the physical elements in the body, so it is understood in kundalini yoga that the physical body should be rendered free of toxic elements. The body that has been purified by the fire of yoga will be the most permanent and most trustworthy base for the awakening of kundalini. For kundalini to arise the body must be able to cope with its force and the nervous system must be strong, healthy and mature. When these preparations are complete the practice of dhyana begins.

It is believed by some practitioners of yoga that dhyana is a method of concentration, but in tantra and kundalini yoga it is said that concentration is an injustice to the free flow of the mind. The nature of the mind is to expand and to flow. You can direct the mind but you can't control it. In kriya yoga you will find that no effort is made to force the mind or to concentrate it on one single point. Supreme awakening does not depend on concentration. It has nothing to do with the functions of the lower mind. The purpose is not to change the nature of the mind because the mind is not an ethical, moral, religious or national entity. This life is a force; the mind is a vritti, a formation. Therefore, in kundalini yoga we don't waste time fighting or interfering with the natural behaviour of the mind.

Then what do we do? For a few years work on hatha yoga, kriya yoga, and pratyahara. Practise nadi shodhana until it is perfected. Then Gayatri mantra can be incorporated into it. For example, perform pooraka, antaranga kumbhaka, rechaka and bahiranga kumbhaka with the mantra in the ratio 1:2:2:1. Maintain this ratio without fail. In addition, practise jalandhara and moola bandha in antaranga kumbhaka; and jalandhara, uddiyana and moola bandha in bahiranga kumbhaka.

After one round of nadi shodhana, pause for a while in chin mudra and fix your gaze, with eyes closed, at the nose tip, nasikagra mudra. When your pranas become quiet and tranquil, start another round. After the second round of nadi shodhana, again pause and practise nasikagra mudra. In this way continue for five rounds of nadi shodhana pranayama coupled with bandhas and combined with your own mantra or Gayatri mantra. If you use Gayatri let one mantra form one unit; if you use some other mantra you will have to adjust the ratio according to your capacity.

Prepare yourself

The rising of kundalini is an historical event in life, when a man departs from his involvement with lower forms of knowledge into higher realms of understanding. In the evolution of consciousness there have been definite historical landmarks. One was when it departed from unconsciousness to consciousness in the vegetable kingdom; another when it departed from vegetable life to sensual life in the animal kingdom, and another when it departed from animal life to human life. Now man lives in the mind by logic and mathematics. The awakening of kundalini is the most important landmark in the history of mankind when he shall make an absolute departure from the realm of reason into the realm of intuition. Kundalini yoga is intended to revolutionise the consciousness of mankind to fully understand the concepts previously known only through our intellect. Kundalini is the opening of that era in human life when the ordinary mind becomes a super mind.

Today the thinking individuals, belonging to any religion in the world, are becoming more and more aware. They want to know how to make an exit from their present existence and its limitations. They want to know the purpose of living and the end they are working towards. All over the world people are seeking the truth. Can it be found in the church, temple or mosque? Can it be read in the scriptures? Is it the awakening of kundalini?

We have been searching for a long time and from all that I have seen and experienced in life, I am not going to accept anything else but the practical side of yoga. It is the one way that is open to all. The practices are available and you are not asked to change your vocation, to renounce your family, or to believe that marital life is sinful. Tantra is one of the few philosophies throughout history that regards marital life as the holiest relationship that a man can have with a woman. It is known as dharma and is the primary philosophy of tantra and yoga. Marital life is the rock base on which kundalini yoga is situated.

The yoga shastras are dedicated to one purpose only: how to prepare the millions and millions of different people all over the world - people with sensual, animalistic, passionate, fearful, intellectual, and sattvic natures - for the awakening of kundalini. It is for this purpose that the concepts of dharma and karma have evolved, that ashrams and temples were built, that the order of guru and shishya was created.

As a householder with involvements and responsibilities, with mental, moral, emotional and physical difficulties of daily life, keep one purpose in mind. Prepare yourself for the awakening of that great power. With this aim, you will achieve success in life.

Finally, please do not be in a hurry for this experience. First train your mind. In order to discover if you are ready for the experience of the beyond, test yourself to see whether you can endure anger, worry, love and passion, disappointment, jealousy, hatred, memories of the past, sufferings and sorrows for the dead. If you can maintain a balance of mind in the face of these minor mental and emotional conflicts, if you can still feel joy when the scales are heavily loaded against you, then you are the aspirant for kundalini yoga. When all your preparations have been made, sit down, practise your kriyas and wait for the bomb to explode. Kundalini will awaken from its slumber, bringing about an historical change in your life.